

An basic Tooltip implementation


1 Overview

2 Properties

3 Methods

4 Usage

5 Video Demo

6 See also

7 Credits and Donation

8 External links


A tooltip implementation which allows the user to hover over a RectTransform to activate it.


The properties of the Tooltip control are as follows:

Property Description
Canvas The canvas used by the tooltip as positioning and scaling reference. Should usually be the root Canvas of the hierarchy this component is in.
TooltipTriggersCanForceCanvasUpdate Sets if tooltip triggers will run ForceUpdateCanvases and refresh the tooltip’s layout group, (if any) when hovered, in order to prevent momentousness misplacement sometimes caused by ContentSizeFitters.
Y Shift Offset positioning of the Tooltip on the Y axis
X Shift Offset positioning of the Tooltip on the X axis
Instance Programmatically find the single instance of the ToolTip definition in the scene


Method Arguments Description
SetTooltip Text (string) Activates the Tooltip in its current location
SetTooltip Text (string), Position (Vector3), RefreshCanvasBeforeGetSize (bool) Activates the Tooltip at the specified location. Optionally, force a canvas refresh before presenting.
HideTooltip N/A Hides the Tooltip
RefreshTooltipSize N/A Forces a Canvas refresh to update the Tooltips content size fitter, if applied.
ContextualTooltipUpdate RefreshCanvasBeforeGetSize (bool) Runs the appropriate tooltip placement method, according to the parent canvas’s render mode.
OnScreenSpaceCamera RefreshCanvasBeforeGetSize (bool) Forces drawing the tooltip based on a ScreenSpace Canvas
OnScreenSpaceOverlay RefreshCanvasBeforeGetSize (bool) Forces drawing the tooltip based on a ScreenSpace Overlay Canvas


Add the ToolTip control to a GameObject using the following in the Add Component lookup:

A Text component should also be added to a Child GameObject, for displaying the Tooltip Text. Once setup, design the look and feel of the tooltip as required, the tooltip will appear in the desired position once called.

Video Demo


See also

Credits and Donation

Sourced from