

A table layout system supporting customizable column and row sizes / layout


1 Overview

2 Properties

3 Methods

4 Usage

5 Video Demo

6 See also

7 Credits and Donation

8 External links


The table layout group allows the layout of child items in to the style of a table. You can specify how many columns should be supported as well as the size of columns and rows. Additionally, you can specify padding between the columns and rows.

If you wish you can override the fixed row height to allow child elements to set their height.

This control differs to the built in Unity Grid layout, which can only arrange items dynamically in a grid based on the size of the containing RectTransform.


The properties of the Box Slider control are as follows:

Property Description
Start Corner The corner to start adding children from
Column Widths An array of floats to denote the width of each column. Content sized to fit
Minimum Row Height The minimum height of child items in a row
Flexible Row Height Are flexible row heights allowed, or should they be fixed to the minimum
Column Spacing The amount of space between each column
Row Spacing The amount of space between each row

Inherited from built-in layoutGroup


Create an Empty GO on a Canvas and add the Table Layout Group component object using “UI / Extensions / Table Layout Group” in the Editor Add Component menu.

Video Demo

Click to play

Table Layout Group Demo

See also

Credits and Donation

Credit RahulOfTheRamanEffect

Sourced from - https://bitbucket.org/UnityUIExtensions/unity-ui-extensions/pull-requests/36